LEGAL TERMS - Alberto Alberti

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All photographs, videos and texts on this site are protected by international copyright laws. The total or partial reproduction of any photograph, video or text, in any form and on any media, is prohibited without the written permission of the author.
1.1 - These conditions regulate the granting by Alberto Alberti, as owner of the photographic and video archive, of the reproduction rights of his images within the limits and according to the terms specified below.
1.2 - The Videomaker Photographer grants the Client the reproduction rights of the Video Photographs on a non-exclusive basis, for a single use, in a single publication or product, for a limited period of time and within the geographical scope declared by the Client. This means new use, for which a new purchase of photography, video, publication on the same product is necessary if distributed through a different distribution channel (paper, different geographical area, online, sites, applications on multimedia supports, blogs, social networks etc).
1.3 - The Videomaker Photographer authorizes the reproduction of the Video Photographs for "educational" and "editorial" purposes only, for any other use. The Videomaker Photographer reserves the right to authorize their reproduction from time to time.
1.4 - The reproduction of the Video Photographs must take place within three months of download, after which the Customer must arrange for their destruction. Any further reuse of video photographs (for example in a different edition or in another territory) must be expressly authorized by the Videomaker Photographer.
1.5 - The Customer is expressly prohibited from sub-assigning or transferring to third parties the Video Photographs and the related reproduction rights granted by the Videomaker Photographer.
1.6 - The Customer may not modify the photo or video in the downloaded version in any way and undertakes to cite the author of the photograph or video and the organization Aicanews belongs to. The customer undertakes in particular to cite, next to each single published photograph, the Credit complete with the photographer's name and the wording Aicanews. Failure to cite the Credits will authorize the Videomaker Photographer to invoice 100% more than the agreed price for the single photo, without prejudice to the right to compensation for any greater damage.
1.7 - The Client undertakes to send the Videomaker Photographer a copy or clip of the publications in which the photographs or videos are reproduced, in order to allow control over their correct use as intended.
1.8 - the Videomaker Photographer provides the Client with the photographs or videos accompanied by the relevant captions and declines any responsibility if the captions are modified in whole or in part during use.
1.9 - the Photographer-Videomaker does not issue any guarantee or assume any responsibility regarding the future availability of the Photographs or Videos on the site.
1.10- the Videomaker Photographer does not provide any guarantee regarding the releases relating to the subjects portrayed in the photographs or videos.
1.11- the Videomaker Photographer is authorized to limit or remove photographs or videos from his site for any reason.
2.1 - The Videomaker Photographer may at his sole discretion give the right to "download" in high resolution to the loyal Customer; within the next 10 days from download the Customer must indicate via email to the Videomaker Photographer the photographs or videos actually used for publication. In the following 10 days, the Videomaker Photographer will quantify the sums due and send the relevant invoice to the Customer, which will be paid by bank transfer to the appropriately indicated bank details, invoice balance 30 days. from the date of issue, legislative decree no. 231 of 23 October 2002, community directive 2000/35/EC
2.2 - The Customer must indicate an email address to which to send the invoices
3.1 - The Customer undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Photographer Videomaker from any possible harmful consequences deriving from illicit use of photographs or videos.
3.2 - The Customer undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Videomaker Photographer from any request from anyone deriving from defamatory or illicit use of the Photographs, or which causes damage to the authors of the photographs, videos or to the legitimate owners of the reproduction rights of the same .
3.3 - In no event will the Videomaker Photographer be held liable for direct, indirect or any other damages, including, without limitation, loss of use, profits or data, arising out of or related in any way to the use of the Site or of the material contained in or accessible through the Site, including, without limitation, damages caused by or resulting from your use of information obtained from the Videomaker Photographer or which is the result of errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or messages emails, system errors, defects, viruses, delays in operation or transmission, or any other malfunction, whether or not resulting from natural disasters, communications failures, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to the Videomaker Photographer's services.
COMMERCIAL RATES - The price of each image is calculated based on the type of use of the image itself, its size on the page and the circulation of the media on which the publication takes place.
For commercial, merchandising and communication uses it is necessary to request a quote in order to verify any additional rights for the reproduction of images.
All photographs and text on this site are protected by international copyright laws. The total or partial reproduction of any image or text, in any form or on any medium is prohibited without the written permission of the author.
1.1 - These terms and conditions regulate the granting of image reproduction rights by Alberto Alberti, as owner of the photographic and video archive within the limits and terms specified below.
1.2 - The videomaker photographer grants you the right to reproduce the photographs or videos not exclusively, for a single use, in a single publication or product, for a limited period of time and in the geographical area indicated by the customer. It is considered new use, and in this case a new purchase of the photographic or video image is necessary, the publication on the same product when released through different distribution channels (paper documents, different geographical area, online, websites, multimedia applications, blogs , social networks etc.).
1.3 - The videomaker photographer authorizes the reproduction of the images only for "educational" and "editorial" purposes, for any other use. The videomaker photographer reserves the right to authorize their reproduction from time to time.
1.4 - Reproduction of photographs must be carried out within three months of download, after which the customer must destroy the photographs or videos. Any further reuse of the photographs or videos (for example in a different edition or in another area) must be expressly authorized by the videographer photographer.
1.5 - The customer is not authorized to sublicense, re-license, rent or lease or transfer to third parties, any of the Images and related reproduction rights granted by the videomaker photographer.
1.6 - The customer may not modify in any way the photo or video in the downloaded version and accepts that a credit that reads "Name of photographer videomaker / photo/video Aicanews" ©appears next to the images or on a prominent credit page or screen. Missing and/or incomplete credits are subject to 100% additional costs for each photographic image or video, without prejudice to compensation for major damages.
1.7 - The customer undertakes to present to the photographer copies or clips of the publications in which the photographs are reproduced in order to verify their correct use.
1.8 - The videomaker photographer provides the client with photographs or videos accompanied by captions and declines all responsibility if all or part of the captions are modified during their use.
1.9 - The photographer videomaker does not guarantee or assume any responsibility regarding the future availability of photographs or videos on the site.
1.10- The photographer and videomaker does not provide any guarantee regarding the release of the model of the subjects captured in the photographs or videos.
1.11- The videomaker photographer reserves the right to limit the use or remove images from his site for any reason.
2.1 - The photographer and videomaker will at his/her discretion provide the right to "download" in high resolution to the trusted customer; within the next 10 days from download the Customer must indicate, via e-mail to the photographer videomaker, the photographs or videos actually used for publication. In the following 10 days, the videomaker photographer will quantify the amount due and send the customer the invoice, which will be paid by bank transfer to the indicated bank details, payment invoice 30 days after the date of issue, Legislative Decree no. 231 of 23 October 2002, EU Directive 2000/35/EC.
2.2 - The customer must provide an email address to receive invoices.
3.1 - The customer undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Videomaker Photographer from any harmful consequences deriving from the illicit use of the photographs or videos.
3.2 - The customer undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Videomaker Photographer from any claim deriving from defamatory or illegal use of the photographs, videos or from any harmful use of the authors of the photographs, videos or the legitimate owners of the reproduction rights.
3.3 - Under no circumstances shall the videomaker photographer be held liable for direct, indirect or any other type of damage, including, without limitation, loss of use, data or profits, arising from or relating to the use of content present or displayed on the site Web, including, without limitation, damages resulting from the customer's use of information received from the photographer, videographer or dmage resulting from errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or emails, system failures, failures, viruses, delays in operation or transmission or any other malfunction, whether or not resulting from natural disasters, communication failures, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to the Videomaker Photographer's services.
SALES RATES - The price of each image is calculated based on the type of use of the image itself, based on its size on the page and the circulation of the medium in which the publication is found.
For commercial purposes, goods, communications, fees and rights must be negotiated prior to use to verify any additional image reproduction rights.
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Phone:  +39 3343827013
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